Research & Design Auto-Paízo Games: Towards Understanding the Design of Games that Unify a Player’s Physical Body and the Digital WorldThe Brain-Body Augmented Reality Toolkit: Futuristic Food ExperienceResolve-Ables: Visualizing Phenomena Using Light PaintingDevelopment of an Augmented Reality System for Human Space OperationsSensory Extensions as Input for SimulationsScentBots – Scent-Based Telepresence RobotsVisualize and Hear Ultrasonic Frequencies With a Third EarVisualize Magnetic Fields With Light PaintingVisualize AI Classifications With Light PaintingCat Whisker Sensory Extension Wearable (2.0)The ThreadBoard: Designing an E-Textile Rapid Prototyping BoardCyborg Crafts: Vibrotactile Tongue Vision (VTTV)Circuit Playground Extension – Debugging ToolE-Textile Logic Probe – Debugging ToolE-Textile Logic Injector – Debugging ToolThe ThreadBoard: Designing an E-Textile Rapid Prototyping BoardA Wearable Meter That Actively Monitors the Continuity of E-Textile Circuits as They Are SewnCyborg Crafts: Sense Magnetic Fields Like a Bird – Sensory Extension Puppet